5 minutes

Baby Sweets CEO: Tino Hartmann

I’m one out of 2 founders of Baby Sweets GmbH. We founded Baby Sweets in April 2016, looking back to a longer history working together with my partner Tom on several projects. I’ve studied business economics at Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (S.) and made my degrees in early 2011. In my first 1 ½ years I’ve been working for an online marketing agency in Leipzig and got in contact with most of the online marketing channels, focusing on affiliate and search engine marketing. From 2012 on I’ve been working at KUPONA GmbH in Munich for 4 ½ years. During this time I’ve been responsible for managing hundreds of retargeting campaigns for big ecommerce companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In 2014 we started our Facebook community together with Tom and recognized a very fast increase in followers over the years which made us think about possibilities of making money with the community and reach we were able to generate on our posts. During this time first ideas of founding an ecommerce shop for baby fashion and accessories came up, the first business plan was written and from 2016 on we were focusing on our own “baby”.

8 minutes

Ferry Heilemann, CEO and Co-Founder of FreightHub

FreightHub, a company based in Berlin and Hamburg and one of the first digital freight forwarders. They provide improved transparency and efficiency by introducing digitization to an industry, dominated by lacking customer service and analog structures.

6 minutes

Stackline CEO And Founder, Michael Lagoni

From that founding idea, Stackline has emerged as a leading retail technology company helping more than 500 of the world’s largest brands and retailers grow their e-commerce businesses. 

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