25 April 2024

We’ve been a company for about a year and a half to date. And essentially our company is a combination of two very specific skills that myself and my co-founder have. So I’ve been in the music industry for about 14 years.

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Lana Learn’s Founder & CEO, Tina Tran Neville

January 25th, 2024|Startups, Business|

When I was a child, my parents and I had left Vietnam and came to the United States as refugees. It’s hard to get a job in America if you don’t speak English. In order to support our family, my parents started a series of small businesses, and that really was my first taste of entrepreneurship.

Pedro Conrade, CEO Neon Pagamentos

January 21st, 2024|Tech, Startups|

Pedro Conrade is CEO and founder of pioneer Brazilian fintech, Neon Pagamentos, which today has over 2 million users and is backed by blue-chip funds such as Monashees. In this interview, he discusses the key reasons behind Neon’s success, its greatest challenges and its plans for the future.

Featured Interview

2111, 2023

NetObjex CEO, Raghu Bala

November 21st, 2023|

Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of interrelated computing devices, sensors, or objects that can communicate, connect and exchange data with other devices on the same network.

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